Skulle Island Defence Force

Welcome to the Skulle Island Defense Force area. All the weapons, armor, and other information displayed inside these pages pertain to the official standing army of Skulle Island.

Established in 216 PA, the SIDF's mission is to defend the lives, property, and the over all well being of the islands population, citizen or not. Considering the island's rich resources, natural and magical, Skulle Island is slowly becoming one of the most valuable kingdoms in the southwestern hemisphere. To answer the growing problems notoriety brings, and to police the growing population, James Bourne and Keith MacLeod established a well trained force composed of many different kinds of races and species of creatures.

Each trained SIDF soldier is ingrained with the "3 Truths" (written in Latin on the SIDF Seal). These principles are;;

"either conquer or die" (Top)
"we shall begin and complete" (Right Side)
"through the shadows, the light endures through" (Left Side)

The first truth stands for the conquest over any enemy who attempts to destroy the island,

The second truth stands for the principle of never quitting

The third truth stands for the unity between all the citizens of Skulle Island, and, even in their darkest hours, how such unity will defeat any adversary.

"In 316 PA, Bourne established his own hardware factory in the outskirts of Killshire. With in a few months, the Reflex Point factory has armed the SIDF troops with slightly advanced weaponry, vehicles, and other types of hardware.

MacLeod has taken on the responsibility of training the 40,000 volunteer's and molding them into a highly coordinated force. As a testament to the SDIF's training and resolve to defending the island, the War of Blood in 315 PA pitted the SDIF against an ISM Invasion force of over 250,000 personnel.

Even though they where heavily out-manned and outgunned, the SIDF volunteers defended the island with such ruthless vigor and valor, the remaining SIDF militia not only became folk heroes, they became members of the regular military force that is the SIDF of today. Their presence has also proved to the common SI citizen that KK and Doom's vision of a united Skulle Island population is not only possible, but, when push comes to shove, is a reality.

(Imagine ex-Coalition soldiers and Federation of Magic mages fighting together? or Renegade Nu'tyll and former New Navy sailors doing the same?)"

~Killshire Tribune, August 12, 315 P.A.~


Aspects of the SDIF


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